Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Busy, So Much To Say

I have been in meeting all week in Baltimore and will be in this neck of the woods until Sunday.

Sorry I haven't been able to write.

The floods in the upper midwest, I am missing a HUGE March snowstorm in sad! Except I won't have to shovel unless it is still there when I get home Sunday night.

Severe weather in the south.

I will see the first rain fall from the sky since last fall this weekend because the mid-Atlantic is expecting a long rain event.

Remember in Denver, any precip that falls between November and late March is typically snow. So it's been a while since I have seen a good, heavy or steady rain.

It is 2 am and I need to get in bed.

Will try and post more later. take care.


  1. It's unfortunate that you are in Baltimore and not in Denver! Ugh!

  2. According to the news, you guys in Denver got hit hard. The National Guard being called out, whoa!

  3. Speaking of typos, it should be (on the website) stay tuned... not stayed tuned.
