Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Boomerang Fay Super Soaker

The circulation around Tropical Storm Fay brought a pipeline of moisture into central Florida off the Atlantic on Tuesday.

Martin County saw a widespread 6-10 inches of rain with 10-15 inches north of there in Brevard County.

One observer in Brevard County saw just under 15 inches of rain! Can't even imagine that -- simply amazing!

More rain is in store as the system slowly shifts to the north and west with time.

Heavy rain also fell around the Oklahoma City metro area on Tuesday with 3" of rain around the suburb of Norman. The rain did cause some flooding there.

Today's Lesson

Have you ever heard of Absolute Zero? This is the lowest temperature possible where there would be no thermal motion from atoms and molecules. (-273°C or -459°F)

At absolute zero we begin a temperature scale called the Kelvin Scale, named after Lord Kelvin, a famous British Scientist.

Since it begins at absolute zero, it contains no negative numbers and makes math calculations easy, therefore it is popular in the science community.

Two other temperature scales are used, the ones most people know, and they are the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales.

The Fahrenheit scale was developed in the 1700s by G. Daniel Fahrenheit, who assigned the number 32 for the point at which water freezes, and 212 for when it boils.

Celsius was later introduced with the number 0 assigned to when water freezes and 100 for when pure water boils at sea level.

Here are some math formulas to convert between these scales.

°C = (5/9)*(°F-32)

K = °C + 273

1 comment:

  1. H Chris I was talking to a friend last night and she was telling me about another TS/Hurricane named Jaun that did a couple of loops off of the LA coast. Here is the link: Take a look, you might find it fun to see how weird some storms act when given the right conditions. Have a great weekend and look forward to your next post.
