Friday, January 11, 2008

Interesting Sunspot Info

I just ran across this article about a new solar cycle that could impact communications at times over the next 11 years. It was interesting to read.

For those who didn't realize this, forecasts like this come from Space Weather Prediction Center, located in Boulder, Colorado.

I have visited it a number of times -- a REALLY cool place to go.


  1. Very cool.

    I enjoy SpaceWeather's site. I get their emails and often check the Current Auroral Oval to know when the Northern Lights may be seen in my neck of the woods.

    The last time I witnessed the NL's was about 2 Summer's ago in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's been a while unfortunately.

  2. Chris...I enjoy the COCORAHS blog...keep up the GREAT work!

  3. Thanks for the link to Very interesting!
